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"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil,
to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Touching Note

Hi everyone-

A friend shared this on Facebook and I wanted to share it with you. It's in spanish, so I will post the original first, then the english translation will follow. Thank you to Katya Perez Lopez and Surjeily Lebron for sharing their pain. We are all on this journey together and we all understand... but don't tell us you "understand" if you're not walking this walk, because there is NO way you can!

El Autismo Duele

by Surjeily Lebron on Saturday, June 30, 2012 at 9:38am ·
"Dale Gracias a Dios que tu nene tiene Autismo al menos el Autismo no duele"

Muy temprano para escuchar estupideses de la gente.
Quien te dijo q el autismo no duele??????
 Claro que duele, duele cuando estas una hora tratando de decifrar que le pasa y te das cuenta q solo tiene sed.
Duele cuando tiene fiebre y dolor en alguna parte que no sabe decirte donde es.
Duele cuando viene Santa Clouse y los Reyes y ves a todos jugando con sus juguetes y a el con las cajas (teniendo 9 años)
Duele cuando el se siente mal y  los doctores me dicen no pasa nada esta bien, luego de dias y horas vota una piedra cuando hace pipi.
Duele cuando esta triste y no hay manera q sepas porque.
 Duele cuando llega furioso de la escuela y tu no sabes q paso.
 Duele cuando juega en el parque y ves a los papas alejando a sus niños de el.  
Duele cuando estas en walmart y un imbecil le dice a su hija ven despegate de ese nene
Duele cuando ningun doctor sabe que tiene hasta que lo ven vomitando sangre
Duelen las miradas raras
Duelen las rabietas que hace tipo "terribles 2" teniendo  casi 10 años
Duele el rechazo de su propia "familia"
Duele que en su cumpleaño los unicos invitados son sus primitos y su hermano
Duele que tenga hambre y tu no entiendas que le pasa
Duele no saber si el sabe que lo amas.
Duele escuchar a otros niños hablar y saber que tu hijo quizas nunca hable.
Duele saber que quiza nunca te diga mamá te amo, duele.
A mi nadie venga a decirme que el autismo no duele porque si, si duele y el dolor hay dias que es muy muy muy fuerte casi inaguantable y hay dias que duele menos pero siempre duele y no existe una pastillita que quite este dolor.
Con este dolor caminamos todos los dias, con este dolor sonreimos, con este dolor seguimos nuestro camino no paramos, porque detenernos significa regresion en mi hijo y las regresiones ufffff eso si que duele y ese dolor es uno de los mas fuertes.

Autism Hurts
A note written on Facebook by Surjeily Lebron on Saturday, June 30, 2012
"Be thankful to God that your little boy has autism, at least autism doesn't hurt"

It is way too early to listen to stupid comments from people.
Who told you that autism doesn't hurt???????
Of course it hurts! It hurts when it takes you an hour to try to decipher what's wrong with your child only to find out he was just thirsty.
It hurts when he has a fever and pain somewhere in his body but he can't tell you where.
It hurts when Santa Claus and the Three Kings bring presents and you see all the other children playing with their toys while yours just wants to play with the boxes (being 9 years old)
It hurts when your son feels sick and the doctors tell you, "nothing is wrong, he's fine," yet after days and hours he passes a kidney stone while urinating.
It hurts when he is sad and there is no way of you knowing why.
It hurts when he comes home from school just furious and you have no idea what happened.
It hurts when he plays in the park and you see the other parents moving their children away from him.
It hurts when you're at Wal-mart and some imbecile tells his little girl "come, move away from that boy!"
It hurts when no doctor can figure out what's wrong until they see him vomiting blood.
It hurts when you get those strange looks.
It hurts when you have to deal with tantrums typical of "the terrible 2s" only your son is almost 10
It hurts when you are rejected by your own "family"
It hurts that at his birthday party the only kids there are his cousins and his brother.
It hurts when he is hungry but you can't tell what's wrong
It hurts not knowing if he knows how much you love him.
It hurts to hear other children speak knowing your child will never speak.
It hurts to know he will never say, "Mommy, I love you," it hurts!
Don't anyone try to tell me that autism doesn't hurt because yes, yes it does hurt. There are days that it is very very very hard, almost intolerable and there are days when it hurts less, but it always hurts and there is no pill that can take away this hurt.
Yet with this pain and hurt we walk every day, with this pain and hurt we smile, with this pain and hurt we keep moving on this journey and don't stop, because stopping means a regression in my son and the regressions, oooof! That is what really hurts and it's one of the worst of pains.

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